Sunday, August 30, 2009


USED 96 MW COMBINED CYCLE COGENERATION PLANT Type of plant:Combined Heat and Power Output:96 MW Minimum net load limit:21 MW District heating:10% load Built/Commissioned:1978 Fuel type:Gas Status: In operation Fundamentals Ambient temperature:0 C Return hot water:65 C Hot water:95 C Cooling water 10 C Gas turbines (2x):BBC GT9 Dual Fuel Net capacity 30.770 KW Gas / 80.170 KW Oil Rpm:4475/3000 Generator:BBC WY 14L061 Capacity:38,8 MVA Voltage:11.5 KV Cos phi:0,85 Boilers (2x):NEM HRSG w/o support burners. Capacity:68,2 mt/hr Pressure live steam:38 bar Temperature live steam:460 C Temperature feedwater:135 C Capacity district heating Spiral:18,6 MW Stack temperature:100 C Steam turbine set:Escher Wyss DT 10 (1954) Capacity with district heating:26 MW Capacity w/o district heating:37,7 MW Maximum steam capacity 128,2 mt/hr District heating: Figures at maximum capacity Hot water in:65 C Hot water out:95 C Total capacity:111,6 MW Heat condenser: Capacity: 79,5 MW Pressure:0,75 bar T in:65 C T out:95 C Steam quantity:128,2 mt/hr Electric features: Voltage GT generator 11,5 KV Voltage DT generator:6,3 KV Voltage GT turning gear:2,0 KV Voltage plant consumers:380/220 V Running hours: GT1:90.000 GT2:89.000 Starts: GT1:1890 GT2:1766 Nox Emissions: 290 gr/GJ

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